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BAMS Admission Enquiry
Ayurvedic College


Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery is the full form of BAMS. BAMS is an undergraduate degree programme aiming to familiarize students with Ayurvedic concepts and prepare them to employ them in the treatment of patients. BAMS integrates Ayurveda with contemporary medical principles, and students are taught both as a part of this course. The BAMS syllabus is designed in such a way that it helps students not only to heal sickness and ailment but also to increase the human body’s immunity and reduce the frequency of diseases. The course covers a range of Ayurvedic themes. The Central Council of Indian Medicine has split the BAMS syllabus into 4 sections known as the First Professional, Second Professional, and so on. Students are normally required to study 5 topics every year, with Sanskrit being among them. The training lasts for a period of 5 years and 6 months including a mandatory 12-month internship. This article focuses on what candidates will be studying in the BAMS programme.

Candidates interested in pursuing BAMS can consider applying to Mansarovar Ayurvedic College. It has several departments on different aspects of Ayurveda thus giving equal importance to all. It is also considered to be one of the best Ayurvedic Hospital and College in Bhopal supplemented by experienced faculty members. Candidates can visit their official website to apply

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BAMS Syllabus and subject lists : -

The course is structured into four professional sections, each with 4-5 subjects. Each subject is divided into 2 halves, each with a 100-point written paper, demonstrations, viva-voce, practicals are all compulsory for subjects such as Dravyaguna Vighyan, Agadtantra, etc. BAMS graduates must additionally complete a mandatory internship.

Also Read: Is Ayurveda the right career for you?

Subject list pertaining to the year of study : -

Given below is a table which systematically mentions the subjects which students need to study alongside the year of study :


Year of Study Subject List
First Professional (One and half year) Rachna Sharira (Anatomy)
Sanskrit and Samhita
Kriya Sharira (Physiology)
Padartha Vigyana (Ayurvedic Philosophy)
History of Ayurveda
Second Professional (One and half year) Roga Nidan
Rasashastra Evam Bhaishajyakalpana (Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics and Iatrochemistry)
Dravyaguna Vighyan (Materia Medica along with Pharmacology)
Charaka Samhita - Purvardha (A primary textbook relating to Ayurveda)
Third Professional (One and half year) Swasthavritta
Kaumarbhritya Parichaya (Ayurvedic Pediatrics)
Agadtantra, Vyavahar-Ayurved Evam Vidhivaidyak (Forensic Medicine, Toxicology, and Medical Jurisprudence)
Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga
Charak Samhita (Uttarardha)
Fourth Professional (One and half year) Panchkarma
Medical Statistics and Research Methodology
Shalya Tantra
Shalakya Tantra

BAMS Practical Syllabus : -

The table below mentions the practical syllabus pertaining to each year of study.


Year of Study Practical Syllabus
First Professional Ayurvedic Practical
Modern Physiology Practical
Shava vichhedana, the study of organs, the study of bones
Second Professional Study of the microscope in addition to microscopic characters such as leaves, stem, etc.
Hematology, primary principles of laboratory tests;
Minimum 25 more practicals to be conducted on different topics;
Third Professional Evidence in Court;
Clinical posting;
Post mortem;
Clinical Training- Gynecological skills;
Clinical Training- obstetric skills;
Educational Visits;
Demonstration of Dinacharya Procedures;
Clinical exposure to care for newborn, blood sampling, vaccination, etc.
Fourth Professional 3 months training involving observation of IPD, OPD patients, and Panchakarma Unit- every candidate must write 10 short cases accompanied by 15 long cases in the prescribed format;
Training of Para surgical procedure;
Bedside Clinicals;
Identification procedure accompanied with the usage of surgical instruments;
Patient examination accompanied with viva;
Daily case record for each candidate (Minimum- 20 cases);
Identification procedure along with usage of primary surgical tools.

Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College in Bhopal is one of the most recommended options to choose from if you want to make a successful career in Ayurveda. Not only does it have several departments pertaining to every aspect of Ayurveda like Pharmacology, Anatomy, Surgery, Obstetrics, etc. it also provides students with facilities such as X-Ray units, E.C.G machines as well designed pathology laboratories. Supplementing this, it is the only ayurvedic college known to have a separate yoga and physiotherapy unit.

Some Recent Trends in Ayurveda and its Success :

The field of Ayurvedic Studies has reached a new pinnacle in recent years with many students opting in pursuance of the same. More and more people are becoming aware of ayurvedic healthcare, medicine and they continue to incorporate it into their daily lives for personal development and growth. Such as the connection between Ayurveda and sleep; wherein ayurvedic research recommends people to hit the bed before 2 am as it is during that time we experience deep, rejuvenating, and peaceful sleep and post 2 it is replaced by lighter, dream-filled sleep which has a less therapeutic effect. It also suggests eating local as the classical texts don’t uphold the use of foreign ingredients, rather, focus on various kinds of home/farm-grown fruits, vegetables, emphasize their goodness as well the regions they are available in. In addition to this, it has been proven that Ayurveda can help patients heal post undergoing cancer surgery, and the side effects of chemotherapy as the daily practice of yogasanas, Surya Namaskar, and other ayurvedic remedies assist them to resume their normal life. In the early months of 2021, the AYUSH Ministry, emphasizing the growing numbers of ayurvedic doctors stated that they shall be given recognition at par with allopathic surgeons and should be allowed to perform surgeries as per their training qualifications.

Also Read: Top Trends shaping the Ayurvedic Industry

Therefore, candidates interested in pursuing BAMS are requested to go through the subjects incorporated in each year of study along with the exam pattern and the practical syllabus to know what else they will be learning in addition to theoretical concepts and classroom teaching. Knowing the same beforehand, will enable them to be prepared before the beginning of the academic year and thus, have an edge over their contemporaries.

© 2017 Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre