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BAMS Admission Enquiry

Facilities and Resources

We employ state of art resources and facilities to our patients to promote their holistic healing, and to our students to encourage their holistic development.

  • X-Ray units, ECG & Pathology Labs .
  • Panchakarma for men and women.
  • Operation theatres that are equipped to perform surgeries like Excision of Benign Tumours, Cysts, Incision and Drainage Procedures, Ano-Rectal Surgeries, Kshara Sutra .
  • Emergency Unit .
  • Ambulance facilities .
  • Labour Room .
  • A lush Ayurvedic garden with more than 1000 species of Ayurvedic herbs Separate male and female general wards; special rooms: A.C./ Non-A.C/Suites Our in-house Sankara Ayur Pharmacy (Caters to hospital needs and manufactures cost-effective rare medicines as well).
  • Yoga Amphi Theatre .
  • The department of Dietetics and Nutrition supplies food to the patients as per their doctor's advice.
Mansarovar College Campus
Mansarovar College Amenities


  • WiFi campus .
  • A/C Auditoriam (1000 capacity).
  • Audio Visual Classrooms.
Mansarovar College Hostel Facilities

Hostel Facilities

At Mansarovar, we offer separate hostel facilities for boys and girls with proper security measures in place so our students feel at home away from home.

Residential Wardens are also there to monitor proper hygiene, quality and pricing in our student mess.

Mansarovar College Mess


  • All the Hostellers are members of the mess.
  • In-house Mess provides purely vegetarian food only.
Mansarovar College Sports


  • Lawn tennis.
  • Badminton.
  • Cricket.
  • Basketball.
  • Yoga hall ( Capacity 1000 students).
Mansarovar College Canteen


  • Multi-cuisine canteen inside the campus, open 24*7
Mansarovar College Water


  • Central RO Plants with a centralized water cooler.
Mansarovar College Library


Our library has standard course textbooks, global texts, reference materials, scientific journals and periodicals, many of which can be accessed through our ubiquitous high LAN and WiFi connection. We strive to imbibe in our students a spirit of learning by giving the following facilities to them

  • Internet Access to an affiliated university.
  • National and international books & journals.
  • E-journals and textbooks (EBSCO) .
  • Scan and Xerox facility.

Code, Conduct & Discipline

  • Residing in the hostel is the choice of the students.
  • The allotment would be made to the students by the Warden on first come first basis as well as deservedness of the students.
  • Guests will be permitted to stay in the hostel as per the availability of the accommodation at the discretion of the Warden.
  • Principal reserves the right to send a student out of the hostel without assigning any reasons whenever the Principal considers it necessary in the institutional interest.
  • Every student must contribute towards the hygiene and serenity of the entire institutional campus by observing strict discipline in terms of ethics, character and behavior.
  • Vices like smoking, wining etc. are strictly prohibited within the campus. Similarly all anti social, immoral and unlawful activities including “ragging” are strictly prohibited inside the campus. Stern action will be taken in such instances.
  • Principal allows reasonable freedom but not at the cost of expected discipline.
  • Students must follow all the rules & regulations framed for running the hostels as well as mess which may vary from time to time. Any deviation in the instance will be viewed seriously.
  • Students shall not resort to take part in any agitations, demonstrations either on their own or in association with any organizations etc. Also they must not cause damage to any property belonging to the institution or individuals in the campus.
  • Students must wear noble, gentle and decent dress. Fancy dress is strictly prohibited. Wearing aprons is compulsory during clinical / practical hours by staff & students.
  • Any other directions, rules & regulations issued periodically by the University will be binding on the institution as well as the students. Principal is the Chief Controller of the campus in relation to all activities of the students and others. Hence all must obey his directions.

© 2017 Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre