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BAMS Admission Enquiry

Department of Samhita Siddhant and Sanskrit (Basic Principles)

This Department deals with the fundamental study of Ayurveda Classics named as Samhitas as well as all the principles. Samhitas are the root source of Ayurveda. The department is involved in imparting the application of concepts in diagnosis and planning treatment directly or indirectly related with the Clinical Part, which include teaching of Ayurveda Siddhant, Samhita, Ayurveda History, Darshan and Sanskrit.

The department is enabling the students to have a scientific understanding of the text with practical demonstration in all the areas of Ayurveda clinically & theoretically.

Aims and Objectives
  • To teach the students in an advanced and interesting way.
  • To prepare the graduates to cater to understand the basic principles of Ayurveda.
  • To impart fundamental education to the students of under-graduate.
  • To impart literary as well asclinical teaching based on the fundamental doctrines.

Scientific evaluation of principles of Ayurveda. Establishment and explanation of fundamental doctrines for teaching and practice of Ayurveda.

Department of Rachana Sharir

The subject of Rachana Sharir is one of the basic subject of medical science. The Rachana Sharir deals with the study of the structure of living things. Students of medical science will need a sound knowledge of Rachana Sharir (Anatomy) of human body to deal with the clinical domain. The Rachana sharir department provide exposure to cadaver, specimens etc. to the students.


Rachana sharir department focused on the aim to provide appropriate knowledge to the students about human body on the basis of Ayurvedic aspect like Marma sharir, Purush Bheda, Garbh Sharir, Praman Sharir, Sharir Vyakaran etc. and also provide knowledge of modern aspect of anatomy through cadaveric anatomy, regional anatomy, developmental anatomy, histological anatomy, radiological anatomy and surface anatomy etc.

Our faculty also provide acknowledgement about our Acharya’s and their compilation about Purush Sharir in Sharir Sthan. Department give the knowledge of Ayurvedic anatomy with incorporation of modern concepts and procedures.

Facilities :-
  • A well-maintained and ventilated dissection hall is available for preservation of cadaver and facilitate with dissection of cadaver with well exposure of every student.
  • Apart from cadaver (human dead body) for knowledge of anatomy we have 3D anatomy app (virtual) for better understanding of subject.
  • A well-maintained museum is available with original and artificial skeletal system and bones. This gives complete knowledge of shape and size of skeleton of body with muscular attachment and muscle structure.
  • Museum also has :
    • Models of different body parts and organ system.
    • Charts which describe the human body systems, structural anatomy oforgans, Marma, Chakras etc.
    • Specimens of original body parts with well-preserved container.
  • A well-maintained departmental library is presents which have important books of Ayurvedic Rachana Sharir, dissection manuals, modern anatomy books etc.
  • Department Has a Micro-Anatomy Lab and Embalming Room.

Department of Kriya Sharir

Kriya Sharir is the domain of Ayurveda associated with the study of all the physiological processes occurring in the human body. The department also deals with physiology and biochemistry in modern science.

The Dosha, Dhatu, Mala and Agni are the fundamental pillars on which the health of an individual thrives. The psychological and spiritual aspect of health is explored in the viewpoint of Atma, Mana and Indriya. Prakriti (Body constitutions) is a unique concept of Ayurveda that influences the overall physical and psychological framework of an individual. The overview of Aahara gives aglimpse into the dietetics in Ayurveda. In Kriya Sharir , these principles of Ayurved science are studied in the light of modern physiology using scientific methods to substantiate the relevance of principles of Ayurveda in contemporary times and for easy understanding of students.


The study of Kriya Sharir builds the foundation for the understanding of the etiology, pathogenesis, treatment as well as prevention of diseases from Ayurvedic perspective. Department of Kriya Sharir strives to provide the students with an academic foundation that will enable them to excel in academia as well as in clinical practice. The vision of the Department of Kriya Sharir is to motivate students to develop, demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge and skills associated with Ayurveda in conjunction with modern physiology and biochemistry.

Facilities :-
  • The departmental library is well maintained with relevant books for comprehensive learning.
  • The departmental laboratory is fully equipped with all the equipment and instrumentsas per the CCIM norms.
  • Different tests viz. estimation of Hb, RBC Count, TLC, DLC, Bleeding time, Clotting time, Blood group, etc. are performed.
  • The apparatus like ECG, colorimeter, centrifugal machine, pH meter, etc. are maintained for demonstrations.
  • Various Charts showcasing topics of Ayurveda and modern physiology are displayed for the structured overview of the subject.
  • Models of various systemsand organs for better visualization of physiological processes.
  • Many Specimens to understand normal physiologyand histology.

Department of Dravyaguna

Department of Dravyaguna Vigyan deals with Medicinal plants of Ayurved Classics, their identification, properties, action and the rapeutic uses in accordance with fundamental Principles of Ayurveda. It is well established for one to exposure of Dravyagunavigyana, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy. Dravyaguna is an integral part of Ayurveda, which deals comprehensively about Rasa, Guna Virya, Vipaka and Prabhava(Pharmacokinetics and Pharmcodynamics) of herbs.

Dravya has been considered as an essential one among the four factors required for the treatment. “ChikitsaChatuspada” (Ch. Su. 9/3). The efficacy of the treatment directly depends upon the drug administered. Therefore, it is highly essential to identify, collect, preserve, medicate and administer the drug in a proper and scientific way (Ch. Vi. 8/87). Charaka has stressed that the plants should be known not only by their names but also their identification and knowledge of their properties is essential and this may even be gained from cowherds, shepherds and other jungle tribals or foresters etc. (Ch. Su. 1/121).


Department works with objectives to provide knowledge of fundamental principles of Dravyaguna, drug action as per Ayurveda and conventional system of medicine. Dravyaguna also deals with identification, collection, storage, and preservation of raw materials of plant origin. It department focuses on conservation and cultivation aspects of medicinal plants by promoting Good Cultivation and Agriculture Practices (GCAP).

Facilities :-
  • A well maintained medicinal plant garden (CharakVanoushadhiUdyan) with area of more than 4400 square meter with covered demonstration area and in-house irrigation facility, having more than 250 plant species. some important species are-Guggulu (Commiphora wightii), Shankhpushpi(Evolvulusalsinoides), Bharangi (Clerodendrumserratum), Kamala(Nelumbo nucifera), Kumuda(Nymphaea stellata), Neer Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Chandan (Santalum album), Rakta Chandana (Pterocarpus santalinus), Asana (Pterocarpus marsupium), Kadamba (Anthocephaluskadamba), Bilwa (Aegle marmelos), Agnimantha (Premnamucronata), Shyonak (Oroxylum indicum), Gambhari (Gmelina arborea), Salaparni (Desmodiumgangeticum), Bruhati (Solanum indicum), Kantakari(Solanum xanthocarpum), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Pippali (Piper longum), Maricha (Piper nigrum) etc.
  • Dravyaguna Dept. timely organizes and participates in different seminars, workshops, exhibitions, CME programmes, webinars and different related academic activities.
  • Frequent visits to nearby medicinal plant gardens, nurseries and forest areas for hands on training and in field of Plant identification, herbarium preparation techniques, sapling preparation and collection techniques.
  • Department collected drugs from different sources of dry (Approximately 300) and wet specimen(50) have been preserved.We have more than 100 models and 200 charts. Plants preserved in formalin in their fresh state.Departmental library is enriched withmore than 50 important books on Dravyaguna, different Nighantus, Medicinal Plants, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy and Samhita etc.
  • Various Charts showcasing topics of Ayurveda and modern physiology are displayed for the structured overview of the subject.

Department of Ras Sastra & Bhaisajya Kalpana (Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics)

The Department of Ras shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana is also known as the Department of Iatrochemistry & Ayurvedic pharmaceutics. It explains about principles of Ayurvedic drug formulations and its practical implications. It is meant for the teaching and evaluation of the Ayurvedic drugs to improve their quality.

It deals with ayurvedic pharmaceutics and ayurvedic pharmacology. The subject explains detail about manufacturing procedures of ayurvedic medicines, their mode of actions and the rapeutic uses. This branch is backbone of Ayurvedic medical science, because it develops the thought process in the minds of students regarding a drug activity and rational selection of the raw drugs as well ayurvedic medicines in clinical practice.

Department has the potential to develop many equipments to facilitate the pharmaceutical work and established criteria for the proper Standardization of drugs.


To meet challenges in the field of Ayurvedic pharmaceutics regarding Standardization of Herbo-mineral formulations to get them recognized globally.

Facilities :-
  • Well qualified, enthusiastic, well experienced teaching faculty.
  • Departmental activities through various practical’s with equal participation of Teaching staff and students.The department has teaching pharmacy (Rasa shala) that manufactures 50 quality medicines for our own Ayurveda hospital.
  • The students of BAMS 2nd Professional are exposed with practical demonstrations of various kalpanas (both herbal &herbo-mineral) and theory lectures of the subject.
  • Group wise discussions with presentations and incorporation of observations in practical notebooks to make their concepts more clear.
  • Department is equipped with library, museum & models for demonstration.
  • Well equipped quality testing laboratory &teaching Pharmacy as per GMP norms.
  • Got 1st prize in the International Herbal Fair 2019 in institutional pharmacy category.

Department of Rog Nidan & Vikriti Vigyan (Pathology)

Rog Nidanevam Vikriti Vigyana is an essential part of Ayurveda that is useful in early diagnosis of disease and deals with classification of diseases and techniques of diagnosis. Rog Nidanevam Vikriti Vigyana deals with the factors which are important to understand the origin of disease as well as pathogenesis, diagnosis and investigations of the disease.

It also deals with aetio-pathological and clinicpathological studies of disease. The normal state of mind and body is Prakriti i.e Health and abnormal state of of body is called Vikriti i.e Disease. Rog Nidan also helps to understand Dosha-Dushya & Mala kashya-vridhilakshan and Dosha Dushya Sammurchana.

Rognidan-Vikrutivigyan is the foundation of all the clinical subjects. The subject helps you to understand in depth the disease (Vyadhi-vidnyanam) & its pathogenesis (SampraptiVidnyanam), the art & science of the clinical examination methods (Aatur or RugnaParikshan Vidhi); the signs & symptoms or clinical features of the disease, the required investigations (Vyadhiparikshavidhi) & the interpretation of their results as well.


Evidence based knowledge of the disease goodwill and compassion towards the suffering Health is an important requirement to achieve dharma, artha, kama and moksha. Aim of ayurveda is to preserve the health of a healthy individual and to mitigate the diseases in an ill person.

Facilities :-
  • Well qualified Teaching, Non-teaching and Hospital staff.
  • Trains UG Ayurvedic students about diagnostic aspects.
  • Tutorial room with fully fledged audio-visual units such as mic with speakers and projector facilities.
  • Departmental Library.
  • Well equipped college & Hospital Pathology Lab.
  • Automated Hematology cell counter.
  • Fully Automated Biochemistry Analysis.
  • Semi- automated analyzer for HbA1C, CRP, RA, Anti-CCP.
  • Digital Urine Analyzer- Routine Examination.
  • Urine Examination- Microscopic.
  • Stool Examination.
  • Other Clinical Facilities - ECG, X-Ray and USG .

Department of Agada Tantra (Toxicology & Medical Jurisprudence)

The Department of Agad Tantra Evum Vyavhar Ayurved Vidhi Vaidyak deals with Toxicology, forensic medicine and medical jurisprudence.

The Agadtantra is one of the eight branches of Ashtang Ayurveda. It deals with properties, effects and management of poison of animate & inanimate origin. We do study of different agadas i.e. visha‐virodhi‑dravya or visha‑virodhi‑kalpa in Agad Tantra which are being used since human history itself.

Agad Tantra deals with study of the poisons, their action, clinical manifestation diagnosis of acute, chronic and cumulative toxicity and treatment. Poison refers to the toxins produced by toxic materials and living organism which are harmful or life threatening to human beings e.g. poisonous plants, heavy metal and its compound, venom of snake, scorpion, spiders, bees etc., bacterial and non-bacterial food poisoning, artificial poisons like insecticide, herbicide, pesticides, rodenticide etc. More ever it also comprises ofoccupational and industrial toxicity & its clinical manifestation, diagnosis and management. Acute & Chronic toxicity of various drugs, their withdrawal symptoms andmanagement is also an integral part of this subject.

Forensic medicine is defined as “The application of medical and paramedical knowledge to aid in the administration of justice is known as forensic or legal medicine (forensic=forums of or employed in courts of law). It is a tool used by legal authorities to solve legal issues byapplying medical expertise in cases of injury, murder, suicide, homicide, accidents, sexual offences, poisoning etc. In a nutshell, it is concerned with medical elements of the law. It also refers the duties of doctor while practice and examining any medico legal case.

  • By bringing law and medicine together we prepare our students to fulfil their medical, legal and social duties in medical profession.
  • To give practical knowledge to our students so that they can handle& treat the different cases of poisoning successfully.
  • To train studentsand professionals in the fields related to forensic medicine.
  • To provide high quality education so that students can serve the society in skilled & confident manner.
Facilities :-

The department has sufficient area for fulfilling different purpose of teaching. We have adequate amount of specimen/forensic models, charts etc. for proper training & teaching. We have separate section for weapons store & museum. Separate section for tutorial purpose is also available.

Department of Swasthavritta & Yoga (Preventive & Social Medicine including Yoga)

Swasthavritta is the branch of Ayurveda that deals with prevention of disease through healthy food and healthy lifestyle Dinacharya, Ritucharya & Yoga etc.. Our department believes that health status dependson Physical, Mental, Social and Spiritual well being. Physical and Mental health depends on Dinacharya (Daily regimen) and Ritucharya (Seasonal regimen). While Social health depends on epidemic diseases, occupational hazards, national health programmes and the economics.

Spiritual health obtained by Yoga. Social awareness is attained by teaching and practical training to the students. The purview of this department includes the activities like community health, surveys, health campsin the village areas, health promotion and prevention of the diseases. Department actively participates in National Health Programmes & social activities related to health. The department actively provide the advise regarding Yoga & diet to the patients of OPD & IPD.


Our aim to develop research methodology for understanding of Ayurvedic principles of diet & Yoga to prevent diseases and support to these treatment. Healthy life style can provide a healthy disease free society. Swasthavritta & Yoga department focuses on disease free lifestyle, good and healthy diet, prevention of epidemic diseases, health hazards, disaster management, Yoga & naturopathy and National Health programmes.

Facilities :-
  • Swasthya Rakshan OPD – Which deals with Yoga therapy and diet treatment to OPD & IPD patients.
  • Yoga hall – To teach & perform yoga activities to students, patients and staff.
  • Swasthavritta and Yoga department organizes and participates in different seminars, Webinars, Workshops,CME Programmes.
  • Department organizes frequent visits to PHC centers, Dairy plants, Waterpurification plants, Sevage treatment plants etc to our students.

 Department of Panchakarma (Bio-Purification Therapy)

Panchkarma is a branch of Ayurved for detoxification program aimed to reduce the toxin overload in the system. The Panchkarma is unique to each individual and their body type (Doshas), identifying the underlying factors in the ailments.

Five purification methods are followed in the Panchkarma cleansing therapy namely, Vamana (Induced vomiting), Virechana (Purgation), Basti (Medicated enema), Nasya (Nasal medication) and Raktamokshana (Bloodletting). Together all these five is called Panchkarma .

  • To be an excellence of Ayurvedic Institute to import scientific Ayurvedic knowledge to all aspirant students based on integration of ancient wisdom with modern technology for the propagation and practice of genuine Ayurveda.
  • To bring Ayurvedic Science to the people as their life science through evidence base clinical diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Facilities :-

Our Panchkarma unit provides the full range of classical panchkarma, keraliya panchkarma procedures along with allied procedures like shirobasti, shirodharaetc, which are found efficient in the variety of Neurological, Musculoskeletal and skin disorders like Psoriasis, Eczema etc, there are separately specialized set up for male and female.

Indoor wards with full ambience and 24 hours individual patient care. General ward admission along with breakfast, lunch, and dinner is free for patients.

Department of Kayachikitsa (Internal Medicine)

Kayachikitsa (or Internal medicine) , is formed of two words where Kaya means ‘body’ and Chikitsa means ‘treatment’. It is first of the eight branches mentioned in classical texts of Ayurveda.

It mainly deals with diagnosis and treatment of various Somatic and Psychological health problems related to both acute and chronic illness.

Kaya also refers to metabolic activities or Agni including various digestive juices. Ayurveda believes that imbalance or disturbance in our digestive system is the root cause of multiple diseases. Hence, the Chikitsa also involves correcting the digestive fire or Agni to restore good health.

The treatment also involves correcting the imbalance caused due to Tridoshaviz. Vata, Pitta and Kapha which are three driving biological forces governing the whole physiology of body in health and disease.

Thus the approach of Kayachikitsa involves the comprehensive management to establish a harmony between body and mind.

The treatment encompasses a range of various internal and external medications, detoxification process along with specialized therapy and individualized approach to treat the disorder.


The Department is aimed to provide and prepare clinically oriented, well trained young dynamic doctors ready to address the health issues of society successfully along with quality treatment to the public through the holistic approach of Ayurveda.

The Department aims to develop itself as the most flourishing hospital of Central India, complying with all required infrastructure.

To accomplish the above aim, regular paper presentation, audio visual clippings of various diseases and eminent personalities of Ayurveda and Clinicians are frequently invited as guest lecturers to the Department of Kayachikitsa in order to broaden the practical knowledge and sharpen the clinical acumen of students.

Facilities :-

The 50 bedded well equipped Kayachikitsa IPD is situated in college campus away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The hospital is surrounded by splendid herbal garden which serves as the source of authentic and fresh herbs to patients.

Our trained and skilled therapists and nursing staff make healing process an altogether enjoyable and rejuvenating experience.

The Department of Kayachikitsa is well furnished with departmental library of around 100 books comprising the wisdom of Ayurveda and modern Medical Science.

The Department is having multiple Charts and models to simplify the concepts of Ayurvedic system of medicine and also make the students, versed in handling modern routine gadgets of Clinical importance.

Department of Shalya Tantra (General Surgery)

Ancient Surgical Science Shalya Tantra embraces all processes aiming at the removal of factors responsible for producing pain or misery to the body and mind.

The Scope of Shalya Tantra is to remove any extraneous substance such as fragment of Hey, particle of stone, dust, iron, bone and condensed pus etc from body to pacify the pain/disease.

Acharya sushrut is called the father of Surgery , like first to describe dissection, absorbable suture Material, instruments, operative procedure for specific diseases and many other surgical procedures is described in Sushruta Samhita.


To impart strict discipline and Management of operation theatre and live demonstration of various surgeries and their handling during operation due to which our students turned out to be good surgeon in future.

To give Knowledge of ancient principles of Shalya Tantra , surgical and Para surgical procedures of diseases and treatment protocols is also to be taught during their course.

Facilities :-

A well equipped and ultra modern Operation theatre and Minor Operation theatre.

  • We performed all type of Anorectal surgeries .
  • All para surgical procedure like Agnikarma, Ksharkarma and Raktmokshan.
  • Treatment available for all type of Dushtavranas.
  • We have Anorectal clinic and we prepare different type of Kshar sutra for Anorectal procedure.

Department of Shalakya (Eye, ENT, Dentistry)

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian science which is based on herbal medicine. The Shalakya Tantra is the one important branch of this science dealing with the diseases situated above the clavicle concerned with the disorders of Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Oral cavity, Head and Neck. Since the specialty deals with small, narrow and sense organs of the body, it requires many specialized instruments, equipments for various ailments.

The Department of Shalakya Tantra is housed in our academic block with 3 Chambers for faculties, along with seminar cum lecture hall. The department has a reference library with more than 50 important books of the shalakya tantra. Our department has well equipped OPD & IPD facility & separate Kriyakalpa room for various procedure to Eyes, Ears, Nose etc.

  • Our vision to treat various types of Eye and ENT related diseases and to be one of the most respected Ayurvedic treatment centres in Shalakya Tantra.
  • To emphasize quality and value based education to obtain optimum skill in the field of Shalakya Tantra.
  • To treat the millions suffering from eye ailments and gift them the blessing of vision by adhering to the traditional treatment and ethical values.
  • To adhere to our authentic processes as stipulated in the ancient texts with utmost sincerity, responsibility and loyalty.
Facilities :-
  • Department have proper OPD & IPD facility for the treatment & students training.
  • Special Ayurveda treatment for specific Eye diseases like Refractive Errors, Amblyopia, Conjunctivitis, Blepharitis, Chalazion, Macular degeneration & Retinal Vascular diseases is available in Department.
  • 30 beds Shalakya IPD facility is available in hospital with well trained Doctors.
  • Kriyakalpa Procedures like Netratarpan, Aschyotan, Anjan, Putpaka, Pindi, Vidalaka, Parisheka, Karnadhoopana, Karnapoorana, Karnaprakshalan, Karnapramarjan, Shiroabhyanga, Shirodhara, Shirolepa, Nasya, Kawal-Gandoosh, Danta pichu, Pratisaran, Dhoompan, Raktamokshana etc are very useful in treating acute & chronic diseases of Shalakya Tantra.
  • The department having many educational models, charts & specimens to simplify the concepts of Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology & Oro-Dentistry.
  • We have special “EYE CLINIC” & working for various ailments & vision improvement of eyes.

Department of Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga (Obstetrics & Gynecology)

Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga is a significant branch of Ayurveda mainly dealing with child birth/ parturition and female reproductive organ disorders.

Prasuti Tantra deals with complete knowledge of diagnosis, investigation and treatment in antenatal care, pregnancy related complications, delivery and post-delivery care as per Ayurveda and modern context.

While Stri-roga deals with Ayurveda management of gynaecological diseases as well as maintenance of reproductive health.


To be a premier department of Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) in imparting knowledge of health of women of all ages and to conduct quality research on community needs.

  • Making women disease free, highly competent, happy, professional and productive.
  • Pre-conceptional care in Ayurveda & Developing the Ayurvedic perspective before fertilization by preparing, monitoring and treating the couple and developing the treatment protocols to address the fetal pathology.
  • Consider the Fetus as a conscious filled biological mass and communicating it by Yoga, Pranayama and music therapy to tune it as a perfect future citizen.
Facilities :-
  • Operation Theatres (O.T.): O.T is available for Routine & Emergency Obstetrics, Gynaecology, work. Minor Procedures Operation theatres are well equipped with facilities like Neonatal care.
  • Labour Room: It is constituted by Well Equipped separate Ante-Partum, Intra-Partum, Post –Partum area associated with Separate Neonatal Resuscitation area.
  • OPD: The Antenatal Care OPD is run daily with special attention to manage even Risk Pregnancies. Specialty clinics include Infertility, Adolescent, Cancer, Family Welfare & Menopause clinics.

Post Natal services with advice on Family planning methods is routinely done.

Department of Kaumarbhritya (Pediatrics)

Kaumarbhritya is one among the branch of Ashtang Ayurved that deals with child health care both preventive and curative. This branch deals with Neonatal Care, Infant Feeding, Diet for Newborn, Daily and Seasonal regime mainly comprising of Nutrition of Children on basis of three age division stages which has its own importance in growth and development of children.

This branch includes Immunization under Swarnprashana Sanskara as immunity booster. Prevention and management of various neonatal or childhood disorders through Ayurveda medicine and special Bal-panchkarma procedures are the key factors in Ayurveda.

Department of Kaumarbhritya is a clinical department imparting its services under three major domains viz. hospital, academic and research activities. In addition to these, the department is actively involved in all the institutional extension activities such as Medical Camps, Swarnaprashana and also Curricular and Co-curricular activities.

The department of Kaumarbhritya is housed on the third floor of the academic block with 3 Chambers for faculties, along with seminar cum lecture hall. The department has a reference library with more than 100 books. For clinical training of students, the departmentis having OPD facility, Pediatric Panchakarma facility, allotted beds in the hospitaland a NICU facility.


To develop the department into state of art Institution of Global recognition in Teaching, training and Research in Kaumarbhritya subject.

Facilities :-
  • Department is running with regular OPD.
  • Special Ayurveda treatment for specific childhood disorders like Neurological, Neuromuscular disorders, Behavioral disorders and Skin disorders.
  • IPD facilities available in hospital with well trained Pediatrician.
  • Arranging various child health care programmes like Suvarnaprashan Camps, School Health Check up and Medical Camps.
  • Bal-Panchakarma procedures for Malnutrition, Neuromuscular disorders, Mental retardation, Skin disorders etc.
  • Neonatal Care Unit and Neonatal checkup in PNC ward and in OPD.

© 2017 Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre